‘Oh the weather outside is frightful…’

Even though it is unusually mild for this time of year it is worth thinking about how adverse weather and travel disruptions can have an impact on your business. Here are some top tips to keep disruption to a minimum:

-       Be clear 
Make sure all employees have access to your ‘adverse weather’ policy so they are clear what steps they are required to take to try to get in to work and how they will be paid in the event they are late or cannot make it to work at all. If you do not have such a policy you may want to consider sending an email/letter to employees or making an announcement on the company’s intranet.
-       Be consistent
Some employees may not be able to get to work due to public transport disruptions and others may struggle to find childcare arrangements if schools have been closed. When considering whether employees will be paid if they are late or cannot get to work make sure your approach is consistent.
-       Be flexible
If possible, try adopting a flexible approach during periods of adverse weather. Think about whether employees can work from home using smartphones or laptops or from a different office location if it is easier to get to. Think about adopting a shorter working day to give employees more time to get to work and to travel home from work when it is still light outside.
Emma Clements