Jingle Bells or Alarm Bells - An employer’s guide to surviving the festive season

This week we are going to send you a daily blog on surviving the festive season.  Enjoy!

During the festive season many businesses organise Christmas parties, lunches and after work drinks for their employees. Whilst it is recognised that these events can generate improved team morale, they can also leave managers with more than a hangover the following day.  Here are a few top tips on surviving the festive season.
-      A Christmas lunch or drinks organised by work will be an extension of the workplace, so employers remain liable for acts of discrimination and harassment that occur during them.  It is a good idea to brief employees before the event about the need for sensible behaviour.  You may also wish to appoint a ‘sensible person’ to keep an eye on things on the night so that the event doesn’t get out of control. 
-    It is worth briefing entertainers and speakers in advance to ensure that their material is suitable and won’t cause offence. 
-    Try to make the event as inclusive as possible – serve non-alcoholic drinks and ensure the food is suitable for all religions.
-    Encourage your employees to consider how they are going to get home or order
     taxis/coaches for them. 
Finally, think about the morning after.  Are you going to turn a blind eye to late arrivals?  Make sure your employees know what is expected of them.  You may also need to consider whether employees will be able to carry out their job safely the following morning, particularly where they operate machinery or drive as part of their job.

Tomorrow we will be looking at the perils of using social media over the festive period.

Petra Venton